About project development

Our company carries out the elaboration of feasibility study projects, business plans, investment memorandums, and financial-economic models. In the process, we fulfill a research function and generate ways of implementation (see the example – feasibility study of formation of the vertically integrated company in power engineering industry “Ukrenergomash”).

Business plans and feasibility studies are essential for investors (banks, business owners, state bodies) or managers in order to make an investment decision and implement the project. The relevant documents have to show all aspects of the project for the interested parties.

Working-out of a business plan and feasibility study may take much time and involve various specialists (consultants, financial experts, technical experts, lawyers, etc.). Organization of the common work of the expert group should be focused on rapid, quality solutions to the tasks, which are set by the client.

As a rule, we settle such issues in the frames of projects:

  • gathering and systematization of information about the company, which initiates the project;
  • financial analysis, study of the current conditions;
  • analysis and forecast of the market;
  • formation of the organizational plan of the project;
  • gathering and analysis of the information about the content and the sum of investment expenditures, expenses on materials, staff, and other expenditures for the project;
  • working-out and optimization of the financial plan of the project;
  • preparation of the text of the business plan and supplements to it;
  • presenting supporting materials to the investor.

A certain content of works is determined as a rule in the process of the first negotiations with the client. Some work may be not needed or will be completed by the customer. On the other hand, complicated projects very often contain a set of requirements and obligations that are not included in the standard list.
According to the results of works, we always will be able to introduce to the customer a whole set of electronic materials, including a detailed financial model of the project.

Our team provides extra investment consulting services, including:

  • search for the prospective branch for strategic investor;
  • search for the optimal business models;
  • transformation/reorientation of already-existing businesses;
  • analysis of viability of business reorganization, merger, and acquisition.